Saturday, September 1, 2012

Oh The Places You'll Go!

    “You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So... get on your way!”
Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go! 

     In less than 24 hours I will be sitting (hopefully sleeping) on a plane bound for Barcelona where the real Empty Nest Adventure begins.  "Am I packed?" you ask.  "Why, no.  I'm not packed yet. In fact my room looks like this right now:

Totally adorable, but impractical shoes - my favorite kind!

Don't judge me.

     Me, the expert packer, organizer, chief cook, laundress, and do-er of all things motherly am sitting in this giant pile saying, WTH?????  For some reason, I am a bundle of indecision as I try to organize outfits and pack for a 45 day adventure that will take me to 6 countries and at least 2 different climates.  Eeegads - I'll be up all night.  Why am I so disorganized lately when I am used to juggling so much and handling it like a pro?  In fact, my standard answer to family members when they try to pile more jobs on my "to do" list is, "If you stick a broom up my butt, I can sweep the floor while I do everything else!"  Except I don't use the word butt.  Anyhoo . . . I digress.  My big dilemma now is eliminating some of the 20 pairs of shoes I have set aside that are oh so cute and match all of my new cruise outfits!  Like I said, don't judge me.

     I promise to reply to all of the amazing comments and emails I have received in response to this blog.  I am a bit stunned, I have to admit.  I have had over 800 page views which blows my mind so I guess at this point I should add a disclaimer:  Ahem.  While I know it is not wise to announce that I will be traveling for the next 6 weeks, I am giving all readers fair warning that I have a very ferocious cat that is staying behind to watch over the place.  Oh yeah, and she will be accompanied by my 320 pound ex-bodyguard, bouncer and his friend who are house-sitting.  'Nuff said.

     So back to the reason I haven't blogged or responded to everyone's comments...I had a little computer problem this week.  It was one of those tragedies that had me almost in tears while Apple techs were shaking their heads and clearing their throats.  Words like "hard drive failure" and "corrupt files" were being tossed around as I helplessly sat at the Apple Store Genius Bar and prayed they would take pity on me and take care of my issues quickly.  After a few diagnostic tests and a mumbo jumbo explanation that I didn't understand a word of, they were able to restore my computer to a useable state.  Of course all bookmarks, passwords and convenient items are gone, but I am happy that my little baby is alive and well and still kicking!  I think I am going to have to adopt one of these adorable, geeky Apple guys as my son was the techie of the house and he had to up and leave me for college.  So if you see a different face in our family Christmas card, you'll know the adoption went through!

     So back to the trip . . . a trip of a lifetime and I am happy to go with very little plans, lots of spontaneity built in, and besides my massive suitcase full of adorable Lilly Pullitzer and shoes galore, I am also bringing my art journal.  I decided to start a journal just for this experience.  I love this book - it is chunky and thick and I could just lick it because it is THAT good.  Handmade watercolor pages and hand-tooled leather cover - I couldn't wait to get some things in it.

I prepped it a little - just because I can't stand a blank book.  Here is a little "peek" . . .  more to follow!

     So I guess it is safe to say that I am a little excited and I've decided to go with the flow and move on!  And now - Off to Spain!  Adios!

“Oh the places you'll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all.”
Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!



  1. Bon Voyage sweet friend. Lily Pulitzer AND cute shoes? Be still my jealous heart! So glad your computer is functioning as I am so looking forward to updates on where your cute shoes take you. Have a fabulous time in and out of your journal.
    Miss you already!!

  2. Oh I just caught myself up on your blog. My nose is a bit drippy now and my eyes teared up a few times. You are such a wonderful mother Lorraine! I've witnessed it for many years and I so admire you. I can't wait to see your art journal. Beautiful start, that's for sure! I hope you & Mike have a wonderful trip. Hope to catch up before too long! And this isn't really Anonymous, I just have to figure out where I have a "profile"! xx Lori
