Sunday, August 26, 2012

Let It Be

     No matter how hard I tried to drag my feet to slow down that carousel of time (courtesy of Joni Mitchell), the day arrived.  The youngest started college. I put on a Brave Face but don't think I fooled anyone.  The day was a blur of schedules and lines and check-ins and unloading and unpacking.  I tried to savor the moments with him but with the rush and people and new friends, we didn't have 60 seconds alone together.  Three years earlier, I had the same experience with his sister and I had to chuckle to myself at how similar those two are.  They were about to jump out of their skin with excitement, but refrained a little to make me feel better.  I remember that feeling oh so well.  Freedom, independence, making my own rules {sigh}.

     It was bittersweet but I did better than I thought, I guess because I feel I've raised two really happy kids.  They both have joy in their lives and who could ask for more?

My heartbeats

Moving In
     Yes, this is a hotel room.  My son drew the short straw and ended up in the overflow housing at school which is actually a Howard Johnson's hotel.  I was really bummed and worried that he would be isolated and the year would be much more difficult being a mile away from campus.  That is until I found out that 600 students occupy 8 floors - two people to a room with queen size beds, private baths, twice weekly maid service, free cable and HBO and a shuttle that runs all day back and forth to campus just a short few blocks away - walking distance really.  Poor, poor son - can you see how upset he is in the picture???

     In one hour, he had it decorated like this . . .

     The friends started to arrive and before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye . . .

I had been quietly sobbing in the bathroom five minutes earlier!

     The most painful part of the day was witnessing this:

     And so it is done . . . He is Happy, everything is just as it should be . . . Let It Be.


  1. Embrace the empty nest, it's not such a bad place really. They still come back, still need our love and guidance, and miss us just like we miss them. Listen to me being tough as another of mine goes permanently out of the nest and gets married! I'm not sure how much I like this sharing him! But I love her so am hoping it's going to be a win win situation!

  2. ...and you can see from their smiling faces that you have been a wonderful mother bird...this is just a new ready, for they will come flying home someday!
